How to Troubleshoot When Instagram Stories Aren’t Loading

Instagram Stories Aren't Loading

Frustrating, right? Many Instagram users have experienced this issue of their Stories not loading. But don’t worry! In our post here today, we will be delving into ways to fix your “Instagram stories aren’t loading” problem so you can get back on track and view the content that fascinates you.

Verify Your Internet Connection

For a great Instagram experience, having an internet connection that is functioning properly is essential. To guarantee your link has optimal performance try both Wi-Fi and cellular data – if needed switch between them, or restart the modem or router for better results. For iPhone users, check to make sure mobile data usage on Instagram can be enabled in Settings by looking under ‘Instagram’ and switching on the toggle. Verify Cellular Data active works via ‘Settings’ then ‘Cellular’ too. Android owners should look at their device’s menu (swiping down), select Internet from it followed by clicking on its gear icon which will show Network info such as signal strength etc.. If none of these steps bring relief, you may need advice about troubleshooting techniques available.

Restart Instagram App

Relaunching the Instagram app can help rectify any issues that stop Stories from working properly, such as a spinning circle displaying on the loading screen. This refreshes the application and may solve bugs which are causing it to freeze or not load correctly.

iPhone Users

For restarting the Instagram app on an iPhone, swipe up from the bottom of the display and wait to open up your multitasking menu. Search for a card with its logo – the Instagram icon – then slide it upward in order to close it down. When finished, press once again on that same app symbol so as to relaunch it anew and determine if your Instagram story is running properly or not.

Android Users

For Android customers, press the square icon or swipe up from your display’s bottom to open the multitasking menu. Look for an Instagram app and get rid of it by swiping away its card.

Then tap on the Instagram application logo in order to re-open and check if you can access stories without any problems.

Update Your Instagram App

It is necessary to keep your Instagram application up-to-date in order for Stories to work correctly. To do this, developers frequently release new updates that address any bugs and optimize the performance of the app.

To make sure you have the latest version, take a look at either App Store (iPhone) or Google PlayStore (Android device). If there are available upgrades, proceed with updating it promptly!

Clear Instagram App Cache

Clearing the Instagram app cache can be helpful in resolving any temporary data issues that are causing disruptions with loading Instagram Stories. This action helps free up storage space on your device, and may allow for smoother playback of these stories.

A quick cleanse of this application might just do the trick – making sure those posts show up quickly as expected. Not to mention it ensures efficient functioning so you’re getting the most out of using Instagram!

iPhone Storage

To get rid of the Instagram app’s stored cache on an iPhone, go to Settings > General and find the iPhone Storage tab. Scroll until you reach Instagram then select Offload App option which will delete its cached data while keeping your videos and photos safe within it.

Android Device

For Android users, head to Settings > Settings > Android. Apps and selecting Instagram will bring up the Storage option. By pressing Clear Cache, this will delete temporary files stored within the app without impacting any photos or videos currently saved on it.

Disable Data Saver Mode

To enhance the Instagram experience and better loading speeds of Stories, disabling Data Saver mode on both your device and in the app itself is beneficial. This feature may be used to reduce data utilization but it can also lead to slower download times.

Referring to instructions within the knowledge base for your gadget as well as that of Instagram should help you turn off this setting with ease. Keeping track of data usage while allowing an optimally smooth journey through stories are achievable by making use of these steps provided!

Check Instagram Server Status

It might not be an issue with you: many users have been having trouble getting their Instagram Stories to load, due to technical difficulties or outages. To determine if that is the case, one can look at websites such as Downdetector and search for relevant hashtags (such as #instagramdown) on social media platforms. As long as there’s a problem going on with Instagram itself, then waiting it out until they’ve resolved whatever troubles are present would probably be your best bet.

Reauthenticate Your Account

If you are having issues with loading Instagram Stories, the best fix is to log out of your account and then back in. To do this, start by selecting your profile icon on the bottom right corner, followed by three dots at the top right side that will give you an option to Log Out. Enter your username and password into a command prompt so as to successfully login again onto your account.

Adjust Instagram Data Usage Settings

Changing the data usage settings via Instagram can boost Story loading speed. To make these adjustments, open up your app and access Settings from the hamburger menu. Then proceed to Account followed by Data Usage where you should deactivate either ‘Use less mobile data’ (iPhone) or ‘Data Saver’ (Android).

This will reduce how much mobile data is used when Stories load, leading to faster performance within the Instagram App.

Reset Network Settings

If you’re having trouble getting Instagram Stories to load, resetting the network settings on your device can help. This will bring all of the Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth connections, VPN configurations and cellular links back to their default states, which could improve your overall experience using Instagram’s stories feature.

iPhone Users

To alter network settings on an iPhone, you will need to navigate your way into Settings > Network Settings. General and then select ‘Reset or Transfer [Device]’. Tap Reset>Network Settings. This action resets Wi-Fi networks and passwords, Bluetooth connections, VPN configurations as well as cell phone links back to their original values.

Once NetworkSettings have been reset, open Instagram again so that you can check if Stories are operating in a proper manner.

Android Users

Android users may need to reset their network settings in order to make sure Instagram Stories are loading properly. To do so, go into Settings > System and select Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth then choose the “Reset Settings” option. After you’ve completed this process, opening up your Instagram app should let you know if everything is running smoothly with no problems appearing as far as Stories are concerned.

Troubleshoot Operating System Issues

Ensuring that your device and operating system are up-to-date can help you better experience Instagram Stories. The spinning circle problem on Windows 10 is an example of an underlying OS issue which affects loading times, so if users come across it they should take the initiative to use CHKDSK tool in Safe Mode or uninstall third party antivirus software for resolution. It’s also useful to back up data frequently with Windows Defender as a primary anti-virus program since this helps support overall stability and performance of your machine when browsing through Instagram stories.


To make sure your Instagram experience remains smooth, this post outlines several effective techniques for dealing with any trouble you might have loading Stories on the platform. Following these steps means that no update from friends or favorite accounts will be missed, so happy scrolling!

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